A few weeks back was my birthday. Even though the week of my birthday was crazy busy with work, I knew I still wanted to go out on the weekend to celebrate. If you didn’t know by now, I enjoy my wine. I’m basically Linda Belcher from Bob’s Burgers when it comes to wine.
Lol, so when planning a group outing I always think wine tasting is a fun gathering. What is better than tasting wine and being around good company? (and getting a little tipsy lol)
I can honestly tell you the wine didn’t give us the giggles lol. My best friend Chris was taking these pictures and just provided great commentary for us lol. On that note, Chris had been living in Livermore for a few months and kept telling me that we had to check out the wineries that Livermore has. He suggested for our first stop to go to 3 Steves Winery.
I also invited my fellow YouTuber and Blogger Ana from The Ana Duarte I’m so glad she joined us since it had been a while since we last hung out. It was nice having someone understand that we couldn’t enjoy the wine until I got the shots needed for the Blog and Instagram #bloggerproblems
Now that you know I like wine soo much, any recommendation on wineries I should visit next?

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